Teacher resource page debut


Have you ever wanted to incorporate vegetables into your classroom but weren’t sure how?

Would you like to start a school garden on your campus or add to an existing garden?

If so, then you will want to head to our “Teachers’ Lounge” to find some answers!

food amanda made.jpg

Farmily Day tomatoes with basil that went into our quinoa salad

There is nothing like fresh basil!

We have been compiling some great information for our teacher community over the past couple of years.

Each summer before school start, we have a school gardening and educator workshop to inspire and assist teachers with their gardening, culinary and environment related projects for their classroom.

We are looking forward to hosting formal and informal educators again in end of July/early August time frame again in 2020. Date TBD. Stay tuned to our newsletter and facebook page.

Michelle Glass, who co-manages the gardening program at the Therapeutic Recreation Center with Mr. William, helps participants wash their freshly harvested carrots to take back the the Center

Michelle Glass, who co-manages the gardening program at the Therapeutic Recreation Center with Mr. William, helps participants wash their freshly harvested carrots to take back the the Center