The most fun I have ever had

During a visit to the farm, one child remarked to me, “I think this is the most fun I’ve ever had.” We get that a lot. It is natural to love digging in the dirt, planting things, learning about animals and playing.

Our Spring After School Farm Club is half way through and our Spring Can You Dig It!? program is just getting started. Can You Dig It!? children planted their potatoes and started farm journals last week. This week we will help socialize the rabbit kits.

Although a very different type of learning, our at home activities through the Farm Club have led to discussions on responsibility to the environment, understanding of predator prey relationships and basic knowledge of rabbits as livestock. Last week children dove into the world of soil.

  • From a culinary perspective, soil creates the foundation for a richer flavor on our plates.

  • From an environmental perspective, soil is like the skin of the Earth, absorbing into it whatever we put on it and then dispersing into the watershed.

  • Lastly, from an economic perspective, soil is a finite and precious resource, as are fisheries which are connected to the treatment of soils.

  • Soil matters a whole lot in the large scheme of things. If you would like to learn more about soil at the farm, contact me by e-mailing

  • To learn a fun new edible soil lesson visit Camp by Walmart for this interactive video lesson with Jennifer Garner about soil layers:

Keep our farm in mind when planning your next family outing or educational group tour. We are offering small group tours for $5 per person. The tours include planting, harvesting, learning about chickens, honey bees and rabbits. We just had a family birthday party with a tour at the farm. The whole family, cousins, aunts, and Grandma came to celebrate the 7th year of one little girl. We had a blast on a beautiful day.

Hope to see you soon! Visiting hours are Monday - Saturday 8 - 5 (ish)